Intersection of Innovations to Increase Affordability
On Thursday, November 14th, CREW Boston’s Housing and Community Development Committee hosted a brown bag lunch presentation on the intersection of innovations in modular construction and new zoning regulations to allow for Accessible Dwelling Units (ADUs).
Panelists included Erica Schwartz, Executive Director of Housing Corporation of Arlington (HCA), and Jessica Boatright, Head of Business Development and Strategy for Reframe Systems ,who worked together this past year to install Reframe’s first modular ADU on property owned by HCA to increase their affordable units. The discussion surfaced the importance of creating affordability with efficient unit layout – critical for modular effectiveness, how Passive House standards are achievable, the advantage in quality when building modular in a controlled environment, and how robotics can expedite modular construction and the positive impacts on the overall schedule.
Thanks to Erica and Jessica for spending your lunchtime with us!