CREW Boston's mission is to bring together women professionally engaged in commercial real estate and related service industries in order to:
- Promote the advancement and parity (in opportunity, influence and power) of women in the commercial real estate industry;
- Facilitate the exchange of information and ideas concerning the commercial real estate industry;
- Provide a forum for the discussion of issues in the commercial real estate industry;
- Provide educational programs that foster the development of women in the real estate industry;
- Encourage involvement in community activities;
- Provide and encourage participation in networking opportunities for women employed or seeking employment in the commercial real estate industry;
- Engage in fundraising activities to support the purpose of the association; and
- Engage in any other business permitted to be engaged in by a Massachusetts charitable corporation.
1981 - A lender called upon a developer looking for business. The conversation between these two women demonstrated a shared interest in identifying other women in commercial real estate disciplines, with the goal of establishing a forum for networking and professional development. To their amazement, they identified 75 such women locally. They cast a wide net, including all disciplines necessary to do a deal. Thus, three characteristics immediately distinguished this group: 1) it would be composed of only women, 2) each would have three or more years of professional experience in commercial real estate, and 3) it would include many disciplines.
1982 - The first official program took place in 1982. The speaker was Thomas Klutznick, of Miller-Klutznick Davis-Gray, former chairman of the real estate subsidiary of Aetna Life Company.
1983 - NEWIRE was soundly established with 175 members and published its first membership directory, an invaluable networking tool.
1987 - Celebrating its fifth anniversary, NEWIRE claimed almost 300 members and was recognized for its excellence in speakers, programs, and seminars.
1990 - Pervasive New England bank failures caused a significant credit crunch, creating new professional challenges in real estate. NEWIRE responded by offering members timely programs such as, "Work-Outs: A Panel Discussion,: "Lender Liability: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask" and "Career Strategies in a Changing Real Estate Market."
In response to pending legislation, an informal Public Affairs Committee was established. Six years later, it became an official NEWIRE committee called the Public Strategies Committee with a commitment to encouraging communication between members and public policy makers. This group’s signature event each year is the Women in Government reception, for women members of the Massachusetts Legislature, as well as for those who work in the city, state and federal governments in real estate related positions.
1992 - NEWIRE created a Community Involvement Committee to provide a vehicle for members to donate both talents and money to numerous organizations offering housing, shelter and other services to women and children.
1995 - NEWIRE joined the CREW Network (then NNCREW), a national organization of women-lead real estate organizations, expanding members networking opportunities to nearly 5,000 members in 42 chapters.
1997 - NEWIRE created its Suffolk University Scholarship Fund. Each year, a NEWIRE scholarship is awarded to a deserving woman undergraduate at Suffolk's Sawyer School of Management who is pursuing business and real estate studies.
NEWIRE held the first annual Networking Golf Tournament at Essex County Club for members and guests. This successful event has become a source of proceeds for the NEWIRE Suffolk University Endowment Fund.
1998 - NEWIRE hosted a regional conference of NNCREW.
1999 - NEWIRE organized its first annual Achievement Awards gala. Each year, awards are presented to members who have excelled in Networking, Entrepreneurship, Public Service, Leadership, and Esprit de Coeur (the individual who gave their heart and soul to the organization).
2001 - NEWIRE celebrated its 20th year by hosting the CREW Network national convention in Boston and with a joyous 20th birthday party celebration reflecting on the successes of the organization and its members. NEWIRE also established its first official networking group, the NEWIRE Small Business Exchange. The Exchange provides a forum for NEWIRE members owning their own businesses to exchange information and learn from the experience of more seasoned NEWIRE business owners and other professionals. The Exchange won national recognition in October 2002 when awarded the CREW Network Career Networking Award.
2004 - NEWIRE established the Legacy Council to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas among longstanding members.
2005 - NEWIRE participated in the pilot program of CREW Careers: Building Opportunities, a national "Real Estate 101" classroom program, designed to open the eyes of teenage girls to the many career opportunities available to them in the commercial real estate industry.
2006 - NEWIRE celebrated its 25th Anniversary by looking back through the years and looking ahead to the future. In addition, through money raised from this year's Charity Golf Tournament, NEWIRE fulfilled its pledge to Suffolk University and reached its $100,000 endowment goal to the NEWIRE Endowment Fund at Suffolk University.
2009 – This year was a remarkable year for NEWiRE. In a time of economic uncertainty, NEWiRE launched a new logo and website, hosted the 2009 CREW Network Convention and Marketplace, celebrating CREW’s 20th Anniversary. The NEWiRE Educational Foundation was established and received it’s 501(c)3 status.
2015 – NEWiRE changed its name to CREW Boston.
Today, more than 550 members strong, CREW Boston continues to provide a forum for networking and professional development to women in all real estate disciplines throughout the Greater Boston area, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.