CREW Boston

Mentor Committee

Mentor Committee
Co-Chairs: Kate Shoss | Elizabeth Stanbrook
The Mentor Committee focuses on bringing members together in purposeful, mutually rewarding relationships through the organization’s annual Mentor Program.  At the completion of the application period, the Mentor Committee reviews the applications and matches mentees with mentors based on the profile information provided.  The Committee notifies the participants of their matches and serves as contact for participants throughout the duration of the Program to assist matches in making the most of their experience.  The Committee facilitates several face-to-face group meetings and provides tips to both mentors and mentees in order to help set expectations and to ensure a successful mentoring relationship.
The CREW Boston Mentor Program
The CREW Boston Mentor Program offers traditional mentoring pairings, where members of the organization who can offer guidance and support to their less experienced counterparts – those members who have been in the industry or have been specializing in their area of expertise for a lesser period of time – are coupled together, and colleague to colleague mentoring, where industry peers are coupled to share ideas, talk about successes and challenges, and grow together.  The CREW Boston Mentor Program provides a simple way for mentors and mentees to form rewarding, mutually beneficial relationships.  The CREW Boston Mentor Program is open to members only.

Join the CREW Boston Mentor Program and help inspire excellence by providing support and career guidance to another member who will benefit from your unique experience and skills.  Sharing your knowledge will open a mentee’s eyes, and working one-on-one with a mentee will give you new insight and a fresh perspective.  Mentoring is a personal and important way to impact another member and give back to the organization.

When you join the CREW Boston Mentor Program, you gain insights and connections that can help you expand your horizons and skillfully navigate your career path.  Your mentor will share advice and personal experiences, and help you build your network and gain new perspective on the possibilities open to you.

The CREW Boston Mentor Program kicks off in January and members interested in applying to be a mentor or mentee will have the opportunity to do so in October.  Members apply to the Program by completing an online survey that provides basic information to assist in the matching process.  Matches are determined in the fall with the Program running from January through June.