CREW Boston

What is CREW Network and What Can it Do for Me?

On Tuesday, May 21st, our CREW Network Committee hosted an in-person lunch focused on how CREW Boston members can maximize the full range of CREW Network benefits.  A diverse and enthusiastic panel of new and long-standing CREW Boston members--including current CREW Network Board member Barbaro Oddo--shared their first-hand experiences taking advantage of opportunities at Network level, including leadership experience, attendance at Network conferences and summits, participation in leadership training, scholarship awards, and more.
The event was an important opportunity for the roomful of attendees to be inspired to lean into their CREW Network membership in a variety of ways, such as:
  • Create a CREWbiz profile  to connect with CREW Network’s members in target markets globally and identify new business or career opportunities.
  • Apply for a CREW Boston scholarship to attend the annual CREW Network Convention in September for inspiring speakers, networking and bonding with the CREW Boston delegation.
  • Gain professional development and leadership training at one of the three Leadership Summits held annually (or the Emerging Leadership Retreat for members under 35).
  • Apply to serve on 1 of 8 CREW Network Committees (e.g., Industry Research, Member Education, etc.) to support key initiatives while expanding your own network (e.g., Industry Research, Member Education, etc.).
  • Join a small, targeted CREW Network Council aligned with your key interest/focus areas (e.g., Affordable Housing, Multifamily, Industrial, etc.) to connect with a cohort of your peers.
  • Consider the 2025 Leadership Certificate, a rigorous program for building leadership skills with a small cohort and university-level instructors.
 Attendees left with concrete ideas for taking advantage of the full scope of benefits offered by their CREW Boston membership as well as a valuable Tip Sheet of 10 concrete action steps to take to make the most of the full range CREW Network opportunities. 

Thanks to Madison Marquette for hosting our interactive lunch in their beautiful office, and especially to CREW Boston delegate Lisa Serafin for organizing a successful event!

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Confirmed Attending

  • Ibby Aigler
  • Colleen Arria
  • Rachel Astle
  • Rachel Bandi
  • Anelise Bateson
  • Kristin Bell
  • Lisa Braxton
  • Emily Carmody
  • Julie Chase
  • Ashley Cormier
  • Staci Coutlis
  • Dianne Crocker
  • Maria de la Motte
  • Tatyana Drobov
  • Robyn Duffy
  • Jessica Early
  • Jocelyn Goglia
  • Shelly Gouin
  • Makella Houdagba
  • Karen Hurd
  • Rachel Igoe
  • Courtney Jarrell
  • Suzette Joseph
  • Lindsey King
  • Kimberly Kingston
  • Menina Kocher
  • Pamela Kustas
  • Winnie Kyi
  • Melanie Maddox
  • Elizabeth Mahoney
  • Stephanie McNamara
  • Joley Mills
  • Ashley Morris
  • Kelly Niehoff
  • Liz Nyman
  • Kelly O'Connor
  • Barbara Oddo
  • Ana Paige
  • Anne Peck
  • Amy Prange
  • Ripley Price
  • Zoya Puri
  • Anna Reiderman-Hickey
  • kevilini Santiago
  • Hannah Schur
  • Lisa Serafin
  • Elizabeth Sousa
  • Amanda Stanton
  • Mariela Stoyanova
  • Brenna Toomey
  • Jennifer Twombly