CREW Boston

Member News

Tell us what you have been up to by posting your news and achievements online. Did you or your company win a new project or award? Do you have a new job or title? Did you collaborate with a fellow CREW Boston or CREW Network member? Share your good news and post it today.

Judy Nitsch, Nitsch Engineering's Founding Principal, Retires on April 1, 2020

by , Nitsch Engineering
Nitsch Engineering announced on April 1, 2020 that Judy Nitsch, PE, LEED AP BD+C, the firm’s founding principal, is retiring today, in keeping with the ownership and leadership transition plan that Ms. Nitsch started many years ago. Chairman and CEO Lisa A. Brothers, PE, ENV SP, LEED AP BD+C will continue to lead Nitsch Engineering. Read more at

Pamela Messenger elected Chair of the Board of the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District (BID)

by Pamela Messenger, Friends of Post Office Square
Pam Messenger, President of Friends of Post Office Square, was elected Chair of the Board of the Downtown Boston BID at its March 2 board meeting. Pam has served on the Board since the BID was established in 2011, most recently as its vice chair.

Boston Miami Learning Exchange, April 5-8

by Donna Denio,
Members Donna Denio and Leslie Saul have organized a three-day program in Miami focused on climate resilient design and affordable housing. City of Miami Chief Resiliency Officer Jane Gilbert is committed to attend the welcome dinner on Sunday night and is organizing a program on Monday morning where she and the Chief Resiliency Officers from Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County will co-present their Resilient 305 Strategy. Jane is also helping us with other tour details. The architect Rene Gonzalez is committed to show us his climate resilient house published in the New York Times. Please note this learning excursion is not affiliated with CREW Boston, CREW Miami, or CREW Network. Anyone interested in this excursion should contact Donna ( or Leslie ( directly for more information. CREW Boston, CREW Miami and CREW Network have not been involved in the planning or content of this excursion.

CREW Boston member recognized as Connect Media's CRE's 2019 Women in Real Estate

by CREW Boston,
Congratulations to CREW Boston members Liz Berthelette, Jennifer Francis, Kathleen Kusiak, and Sara Shank for being recognized as Connect Media - CRE's 2019 Women in Real Estate! In total, 24 CREW Network members were honored this year!

CREW Boston members participated as panelists at the Third Annual Bold (Business Oriented Leadership Development) Conference

by CREW Boston,
CREW Boston members Barbara Oddo, Karen Hurd and Jill Sharif participated as panelists at the Third Annual Bold (Business Oriented Leadership Development) Conference. The conference is part of HUWIB (Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business), the largest undergraduate business organization on Harvard's campus, and hosts over 500 high school women across the U.S., introducing them to the business world.

Woman of Influence in Real Estate Forum honored Elizabeth Krol

by , CREW Boston
Elizabeth Krol with Partner Engineering & Science, Inc. was honored as one of this year’s Woman of Influence in Real Estate Forum along with 41 other CREW Network members across the country. The awards program included newly focused industry categories and judge’s categories this year. Honorees were recognized at the Women of Influence Awards Reception and Dinner in Broomfield, Colorado, in conjunction with the inaugural GlobeSt.ELITE Women of Influence Conference. Read more at

Section Chair of Real Property, Trust & Estate Section of American Bar Association

by Jo-Ann Marzullo, Regnante Sterio LLP
Jo-Ann Marzullo is now Section Chair of the Real Property, Trust and Estate Section of the American Bar Association for 2019-2020. She also serves as Co-Chair of CREW Boston's Sustainability Group. She expects the need to protect real property rights against drone operations to be an ongoing issue during her term and may be asking CREW Boston members for their ideas and assistance.

SVN’s Diane Danielson Featured in REI INK Magazine

by Diane Danielson, SVN
SVN International Corp. COO, Diane Danielson, is featured in the August 2019, Women in Real Estate issue of REI INK magazine. The article, A Calling to Grow, written by Carole VanSickle Ellis, highlights Diane’s tireless advocacy not only for women, but also for diversity and inclusion within the commercial real estate industry. Read more at

WS Shareholder Angela Parziale awarded Alumni Award for Significant Contributions to the Profession

by Angela Parizale, Walter & Shuffain, P.C.
W&S is pleased to announce that Suffolk University MSA & MST Programs awarded its first annual Alumni Award for Significant Contributions to the Profession to Angela Parziale, CPA, MST, a 2000 undergrad alum as well as a 2009 alum of the Masters in Tax Program. Angela was chosen for her industry leadership as a partner of Walter & Shuffain, PC, member of the Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy and advocate for future of the profession.

Lauren Armstrong Changes Platforms

by Lauren Armstrong,
Over the course of the last number of months I have decided to retire from the practice of law. I realized I had accomplished all my career goals for my legal profession and wanted to switch gears and learn something new. Based on my love for the built environment and historical preservation, I trained to be an historical interpreter and have received national certification. I am working with the Newport Preservation Society, the Rhode Island Historical Society, the Cocumscussoc Association and the Center for Reconciliation. Most of this work is on a volunteer basis. I will be interpreting historical sites and working with others on creating style and usage publications for interpreting racial history as well as doing the research to write women back into the telling of our history. My deepest thanks to everyone in the legal and real estate community who helped me walk through this process-- the CREW Boston network is invaluable! I am excited about this next chapter in my life.

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