CREW Boston

Update your CREWbiz Profile Today!

Update your CREWbiz Profile Today!
Have you put off updating your CREWbiz profile, don't wait any longer. It only takes a few minutes of your time but the benefit is worth so much more. Our members are connected to more than 12,000 commercial real esate professionals globally, representing nearly every discipline and with a complete CREWbiz profile, they will be able to reach you. To help, CREW Boston member and past CREW Delegate, Elizabeth Krol would like show how you how easy it is to update your CREWbiz profile in this "How To" video. Just click on the image below to watch the video.

If you have any additional questions or just need a little help, please do not hesitate to contact Elizabeth Krol or CREW Delegate Karen Hurd as they would be happy to work with you.