CREW Boston

Prior Events

Prior Events

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  • A Night of Networking & Fashion

    A Night of Networking & Fashion

    CREW Boston gathered on March 14th at Sara Campbells headquarters for a night of networking, appetizers, drinks, and fashion as we welcome our new members and honor our Legacy Council members. The evening included a glimpse of spring fashion, shopping with amazing deals and of course networking. Members got a chance to get shopping advise from Sara Campbell herself as well as hear about her journey, successes and struggles. In the spirit of CREW Boston, many members offered her their gudiance.

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  • Transformation in Allston

    Transformation in Allston

    On March 5th at the Hyatt Regency Boston, a packed room heard from Thomas Glynn, CEO of Harvard Allston Land Company and Marika Reuling, Managing Director for Allston Initiatives at Harvard on Harvard’s ongoing Allston campus transformation. Harvard is more than just Cambridge, it is Allston too and larger at 360 acres compared to 240 in Cambridge. As other neighborhoods in Boston have begun to transform the opportunity within Allston has grown. Western Avenue, with the industrial area and the Allston Rail Yards provide prime land for development.

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  • Somerville Climate Forward

    Somerville Climate Forward

    Hannah Payne, Sustainability Coordinator with the City of Somerville, MA presented at CREW's Sustainability Committee on the City's Community Climate Change Plan on February 14, 2019. The comprehensive plan, Somerville Climate Forward, contains implementable key priority actions that aspire for Somerville to become a resilient and carbon neutral city by 2050. 

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  • Meditation Training, Holistic Healing & Work Life Balance

    Meditation Training, Holistic Healing & Work Life Balance

    The Rising Leaders Group, with the help of Goodwin Procter LLP and Commonwealth Land Title National Commercial Services, hosted a night of well-being for CREW and WWIRE members.  Keith Foley, a physical therapist from Joint Ventures, demonstrated exercises to help loosen muscles that can stiffen during the work day.  Attendees joined Keith in stretching and positioning to reduce the effects of neck and back pain as well as carpel tunnel.  Andy Kelley, the renowned Boston Buddha, spoke to the group about the importance of understanding the effects of stress, deterring distractions to focus on the task at hand, and the basics of meditation.  Andy then taught a technique of using breath, silent sound, and mantra to use during meditation.  From the nutritious smoothies and snacks, to the simple workplace exercises, to the calming meditation, the night left guests rejuvenated.  


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  • 2019 Mentor Program Kick-Off Luncheon

    2019 Mentor Program Kick-Off Luncheon

    The Mentor Program had a very successful kick off lunch at KeyBank Real Estate Capital.  This year’s Program is comprised of 40 members, including Peer to Peer and Mentee to Mentor pairs. Hayley Suminski and Erin Channel, co-chairs of the Mentor Program, kicked off the lunch by welcoming the pairs and asking everyone to introduce themselves to the group. After introductions and learning about suggestions for a successful experience, the mentors and mentees broke out into pairs to formalize their match and discuss logistics, as well as, what the mentees are looking to accomplish to begin a productive and rewarding mentorship relationship.

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  • High Street Place: Transforming Atrium Space into a High End Food Hall

    High Street Place: Transforming Atrium Space into a High End Food Hall

    On January 17th at the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston, we heard from Ani Ajemian from Rockhill Management and Mike Morris from CanaDev discuss the food hall that will be opening up in Boston’s Finacial District called High Street Place. Located at 160 Federal and 100 High, a 19,000 square foot food hall will open in late summer 2019 with approximately 20 unique food and beverage vendors that will transform the area around the property.  

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  • Holiday Gift & Crafting Party to benefit the Carolina Hill Shelter

    Holiday Gift & Crafting Party to benefit the Carolina Hill Shelter

    On December 11th, more than 50 CREW Boston members participated in the Holiday Gift and Craft Party to benefit Carolina Hill Shelter.  CREW members purchased gifts for 17 families residing at Carolina Hill, who without CREW’s assistance would not have received gifts this holiday season. Additionally, CREW members generously donated gift cards at the November 27th luncheon which were distributed to the Moms and Dads at the shelter.  CREW members also crafted hand-made ornaments for the families.  New leggings and sweatpants were collected to help the Shelter cloth future residents who often arrive with only the clothes they are wearing. The outpouring of CREW’s generosity was overwhelming and truly appreciated by Carolina Hill.  The Holiday Gift and Craft Party, hosted by the Community Involvement Committee, also provided a great networking opportunity to socialize with other CREW members, as well as enjoy pizza and wine.

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  • Boston Landing – Transforming a Neighborhood from Stockyards to Live, Work and Play

    Boston Landing – Transforming a Neighborhood from Stockyards to Live, Work and Play

    On November 27th at the Hyatt Regency Boston, the audience heard from Erin Harvey of NB Development Group and David Manfredi of Elkus Manfredi Architects discuss the latest on Boston Landing.  A development that has created a neighborhood and reconnected Allston and Brighton back to Boston. They went over the several buildings starting with the HQ.  This whole vision was started by Jim Davis, Owner and Chairman of New Balance and began to accelerate in 2011. The new headquarters of New Balance was inspired by one of New Balance’s manufacturing mill buildings in Lowell.  With open space, full of daylight and reducing the number of floors, it was a gamechanger for the company.  Also including a flagship retail center at ground level.

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  • Discussion on Stabilization & Redevelopment of Hurricane-Devastated Puerto Rico

    Discussion on Stabilization & Redevelopment of Hurricane-Devastated Puerto Rico

    To kick off our 2018-2019 series of brown bag lunches, the CREW Boston Housing and Community Development Committee, led by members Kimberly Martin-Epstein and Yanel de Angel discussed recovery efforts related to the devastating hurricanes in Puerto Rico.  We were able to conference in Alex Blenkinsopp from Senator Elizabeth Warren’s office. He gave an overview of the PR situation and Senator Warren's efforts to provide aid, including a bill proposed to offer $146 billion dollars in aid to Puerto Rico. While not progressing legislatively, this bill changed the tenor of the conversation in Washington. This is the first time a US territory in economic crisis has concurrently been hit by a natural disaster. 

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  • Gateway Cities- Transforming the Suburbs

    Gateway Cities- Transforming the Suburbs

    The 26 Gateway Cities in Massachusetts were formerly home to prosperous industries that offered residents a "gateway" to the American Dream. As jobs moved elsewhere and resources remained hard to come by, these midsize urban centers faced a number of challenges in maintaining their prosperity. Mass Housing has a longstanding commitment to the revitalization of Massachusetts' Gateway Cities and have committed both resources and grant money towards development. At our October luncheon, we took the conversation outside of Boston, to hear from city leadership about the real estate and development investment going on in some of the Commonwealth’s designated Gateway Cities

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Upcoming Events

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    AI Adoption within CRE – Industry Impact and Current Data

    Holland & Knight LLP
    10 St. James Avenue, 11th Floor Boston, MA

    Members Only

    Join us for a group viewing of CREW Network's webinar on artificial intelligence adoption, as they share the knowledge you need to implement AI technology in CRE. Space is limited.

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    A Conversation with MBTA General Manager & CEO Phillip Eng

    Boston Harbor Hotel, Wharf Room
    Rowes Wharf, Boston MA


    Join us at our March luncheon as we hear from MBTA General Manager & CEO Phillip Eng.

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    Making Connections in 2025

    Steelcase Worklife Center Showroom
    101 Seaport Boulevard, Boston, MA

    Members Only

    Expand your network in 2025. Members are cordially invited to join CREW Boston as we welcome new members and honor members of the CREW Boston Legacy Council for a night of networking, kit making, appetizers, and drinks.

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